Poetry Usage
Do it yourself

Several ways to share the works of Sonji Rush

Tips on ways to send the poetry by Sonji Rush

To e-mail a friend a poem it can be done directly from the poem page you want to use. This feature is available using Internet Explorer and Netscape.

Internet Explorer users go to "FILE" on your browser's tool bar, choose "SEND" then choose "THIS PAGE" to send poem page or "THIS LINK" to send the link of the page.

Netscape users go to "FILE" on your browser's tool bar, select "SEND PAGE". This will send the poem page to your friend.

If you have an online e-mail account such as Hotmail, Netscape, Excite, etc. simply HIGHLIGHT the address of the poem page in your browsers ADDRESS AREA then copy and paste it into you e-mail. This sends the link to the page to your friend.

For special personal requests such as use on Webpages, use in weddings and for gifts, school work, etc send a personal e-mail from my E-mail Page

The poems on this site are not available for commercial duplication in any case without signed legal documentation.

ALL users please be aware of the copyright statement before using.

Home of the beautiful romantic poetry of Sonji Rush