Passionate Romantic Love Poetry by Sonji Rush
The Official Romantic Poetry Web Site
Since 1998
Love Poems by Sonji Rush
End the Midi
Candle In The Wind


Life as we know it
changes throughout each passing day.
Hurriedly it rushes by
never preparing us when
the unexpected comes our way.

When a loved one is lost
one can never prepare.
But when it happens without time or reason
it leaves sorrow
in the hearts of those who care.

The questions of why
Why now?
Why them?
Why me?
We ask ourselves,
what we could have done differently?

Somehow, without question
the inevitable always comes our way
Reminding us there are certain
things in life of which we have not control
as our lives pass by each day.

We cannot control
what another person may do
or what they may say
We can only live our lives, as we feel right,
providing a light along the way.

Even then, if the light is not followed
it is not our decision to make.
For everyone is given choices in life.
It is for them to choose which path they take.

Somehow, through time comes acceptance
And through acceptance
the healing shall begin
In knowing a loved one is never gone
For they will always live within our hearts
within the memories we made with them.

©Sonji Rush

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