End Midi Dreams

I dreamt you held me.
I felt safe and secure
from all harm.
Nothing could hurt me
as you held me in
your arms.

The night was dark
Yet heaven did shine
upon this world of love,
of yours and mine.

I dreamt you kissed me.
The taste of you
still lingers
as the new day breaks
As morning approaches
nothing can take
the soft gentle kiss
that made time
stand still.
You were mine
just for a moment
Yes, heaven was real.

For I dreamt you loved me.
I was yours
and you were mine.
Forever in this moment
in time
Heaven and earth are one
as are we
All misgivings seize to be.
For I dreamt you loved me.

I now know you love me.

Sonji Rush

©Sonji Rush
All rights reserved

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