End Midi She Believes in Me
Narration from Words from My Heart CD

As Meant To Be

Beneath the branches of the mighty oak I stand
with the winter wind in my hair.
Remembering the face I yearn to see,
wanting the touch I longed for there.

As I tread through the wilderness
where Gods hand has shown its love,
the creations of his making are together,
as intended
Hallowed are the gifts from up above.

All seems complete as I wander there
with all these blessings bestowed upon me
Of what more should I seek?
For what else should I care?

Without the love I long for night after night
Without the passion I so desire
Nothing God nor man has ever given
Would make my life seem right
without this love I require.

For when I see the mighty oak
the branches appear cold and bare.
The lovely wilderness is seen by blinded eyes.
As I stroll aimlessly there.

Still an eternal flame of love
kindles the fire within me
As the warmth of the passions of thy love
lights the amber within thee.

Thus, as we stroll amongst the mighty oaks
hand and hand
heart and heart are we
God has blessed our love with his heavenly grace
All is right
All is as meant to be.

©Sonji Rush

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